Friday, August 31, 2007

Jadyn Funnies

I found these hidden in my email and thought I would share them. If I don't write them down, I'll forget them.

A weekend when Kolin was working:

I was putting a movie in the dvd player. Jadyn asked me what I was putting in and before I could reply she says:

"I guess we're getting the silent treatment."

During the summer:

Let me preface by saying that Jadyn is always the first one up. Since she's up she gets cereal out for her sisters and brother and goes about her morning.

This morning Brennan wakes up and Kolin hears the following:

Jadyn: "Here's your cereal Brennan."
Brennan: "I don't want cereal" ( He actually wants a poptart but we're out)
Jadyn: "This is what we have. Eat it or Starve"

She totally gets the last sentence from her mommy.....

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