Sunday, January 4, 2009

School is back in session


I'm pretty sure we're all ready for our 'normal' to return. Poor Ryanne isn't going to know what hit her. She was pretty confused for the first couple of days due to everyone being home and starting tomorrow we'll be on the run again.

We've stayed up later, slept in, had playdates, mommy had a girls night out, daddy was home for a few days here and there, we had bowling, and lots of fun family time.

But alas it's time for normal (to us anyway) to return. Haircuts this afternoon, backpacks to go through, the girls need to decide if they'll eat lunch at school or need a cold lunch (PLEASE MOM!)

How much fun can one mommy have? =)

1 comment:

Haley said...

Yes, back to school for my oldest 3 tomorrow too. They also got haircuts lol.

I am looking forward to getting back to normal.

Have a good week.