Friday, October 5, 2007

Karis is (somewhat) done!

We had our annual EI meeting yesterday morning. Karis is doing GREAT! She's got to be 30% delayed in order to qualify to continue services. While she's doing absolutely fantabulous, there are still a couple of issues we want to keep track of.

We are discontinuing DT and she's been approved for a 2 yr old playgroup starting in January. We've kept PT, but it's going to be very infrequent...basically check-ups of her feet/ankles and visits every 3 months to make sure she's where she needs to be. Really it's a feet/ankle issue and we want to make sure they get better and not worse. Having someone that knows what they've looked like and will give us an unbiased opinion every couple of months will be fabulous.

We'll use the regular therapy days/times to do little fun activities with just Karis and I. She really needs to socialize more and adapt to different surroundings and people. Different activities around town should really help.

I am absolutely estatic that Karis has come this far, but then on the other hand I'm sad too. The therapists have become such a part of Karis and I. They'll definitely be missed.

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