Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Taryn & Brennan Neuro Appts

Would you believe that Brennan weighs 3 pounds more than Taryn?

Taryn's appt went well. She's almost an inch taller than her last appt and has gained 2 lbs. Granted it took about 5 months to gain that much. She hasn't had any seizures in a year...we've got another year to go before we can even think about weaning her off her meds. The cooler summer for us definitely helped us keep any seizures at bay. Now the countdown begins for the next year....

Brennan gets to start weaning off his meds tomorrow. It'll take about 7 weeks (that one threw me for a loop) to fully wean him. In about 8-9 weeks we have to have a sleep deprived EEG done to make sure that his test results are still normal after stopping his meds. Then we'll meet with the dr. one more time and he's DONE DONE DONE! I can't tell you how excited that makes us.

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