The other day Brennan ran out to the living room to tell me that Karis had 'somehow' gotten up on top his bed. He was all interested in having me come with him so I could check on her. (I had to grab my camera before following him.)
This is what I found....

I then had to ask for a detailed explaination as to HOW EXACTLY his baby sister ending up on the top of his bed.
He showed me how they piled up toys on the bottom loft bed, Karis climbed on top of the pile and with a little help from her brother....

he lifted her up...
Aren't big brothers great?! Last month Cooper and Camdyn did the same thing, except Cooper jumped off the top bunk and then told Camdyn to jump too, because "it was fun!"...she of course did and 1/2 hour later we were in having her foot xrayed since she was limping. Brothers!
How funny! I'm sorry, I just can't help but to laugh!
I see more scheming in these two's future!
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