Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Mud anyone?

I realize it's not a very good picture, but I couldn't take a great picture without being totally and completely obvious about what I was doing.
Our neighbors across the street give us endless hours of entertainment. This time around the teenager with the new license somehow got the car stuck on the lawn. Instead of pulling forward he tried backing up which spun the tires. He tried this at least 4-5 times before finally pulling forward and going straight. He ended up putting some huge ruts in the lawn and sprayed the front of the house with mud.
Our neighbors across the street give us endless hours of entertainment. This time around the teenager with the new license somehow got the car stuck on the lawn. Instead of pulling forward he tried backing up which spun the tires. He tried this at least 4-5 times before finally pulling forward and going straight. He ended up putting some huge ruts in the lawn and sprayed the front of the house with mud.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
1 week! Can you believe it?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
4 Day Check-Up
This afternoon Greyson and I headed back over to the hospital for his 4 day nurse checkup. They weighed him in at 8lbs 9.5oz and checked his billirubin. His levels were a little high, but nothing the dr. was concerned about since he's already 4 days old. We go and see our pediatrician on Thursday for his 1 week checkup.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Our day....
I really should have taken the lap top with me to the hospital instead of leaving it at home for Kolin to bring with him. It would have given me something to do besides watching reruns of Operation Repo.
Plan A
Our plan for today was to get all of the last minute stuff ready so that Kolin and I could head to the hospital around 6:30pm for our induction appointment at 7. HA! HA! HA! I was going to leave here a little after noon to head up to O'hare to pick up Katie from the airport. Instead we got a phone call letting us know that she missed her connecting flight. She'd be catching the next possible flight BUT it wouldn't get in until 5:44pm. I didn't freak out...really I didn't. I actually started laughing instead.
Oh how quickly plans change........
Plan B
After calling a couple of fantastic friends it was decided that Kolin would drive up to O'hare and pick up Katie. Friend A would come by at 6 to watch the kids until Kolin got back home with said Aunt Katie. Friend B would drive me to the hospital so we wouldn't have 2 cars at said hospital.
I got to the hospital right about 7. I checked in at registration and then walked myself up to the maternity floor where a very nice nurse was waiting for me. The nurse was surprised I was by myself and I assured her that Kolin would be showing up. I got myself organized and changed into a fabulous hospital gown. I really think that the maternity ward should have more colorful, fun, and super soft gowns, but I digress.
About 8:30 it was time to get the show on the road. I had to lay down for 2 hours. After 2 hours I'd be able to get up, walk around and pretty much do anything I wanted to keep myself busy. Can you say that that was the BORING part? The nurse was hoping we'd only have to do this part once. I crossed my fingers that one round is all we would need.
Did I forget to mention that from the time I was hooked up to the monitors that I was having some pretty good contractions all by myself? If his head had been engaged we probably would have had him a couple of weeks early. Darn baby! =)
After all of Kolin's running around today he finally got back into town. He got Katie situated with the kids and headed over to the hospital. He was exhausted! Shortly after he arrived my 2 hours was up and I was able to sit up, walk around and more than anything go to the bathroom. (It really is the little things!)
I was still having contractions, but they weren't really bothering me....I was just a little uncomfortable.
A little after midnight the nurse decided to start my IV. This is always a process since my veins don't like the process that an IV entails. I swear no one believes me until they actually try. After 3 attempts the IV was finally in place.
Shortly after getting the IV squared away it was time to get checked. I just hoped and prayed that my cervix was softening and we were making progress. The nurse checked me and said she was going to go get another nurse to check me as well. The first thing out of my mouth was "Why in the hell does another nurse need to check me?" Kolin just looked at her and said "Yeah, what she said!" The nurse smiled and walked out of the room. A couple of minutes later both nurses come in and I get checked again. All I hear from the nurse is: "Yes, she's at an 8 and can be stretched to be 10.........."
After hearing that I knew I wouldn't be getting the epidural I so wanted. I asked the nurse just to make sure and she shook her head and told me no. Damn it! Then I asked if I could have any drugs at all and the nurse who would be the baby nurse shook her head and told me no. Talk about kicking a woman while she's down.
Shortly there after my doctor was called to come into the hospital and break my water. About 1:15am my water was broken. I was double checked to make sure that the cord wasn't going to come out first. OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!!! Once my water was broken the contractions got painful. They still weren't too bad because they would come and go. Just the slight reprieve between contractions was just what I needed to make it through the next one. That is until a not so little head started to descend.
At this point I was holding onto Kolin's hand so hard I'm surprised I didn't break it. When told to put my hands behind my legs I just couldn't do it. I'm not ashamed to tell you I BEGGED the doctor just to get him out. Get him out, Get him out, Get him out! was my mantra. It was one long, hard, nasty contraction that just would not give up. Oh so worth it in the end!
Greyson Thomas Wayne was born at 1:34am. Weighing in at 9lbs even and 23 inches long. I sincerely missed my epidural. I don't find it amusing in the slightest that my 1st and 6th babies were my largest at 9lbs 6oz and 9lbs and they were the ones with no epidural.
Plan A
Our plan for today was to get all of the last minute stuff ready so that Kolin and I could head to the hospital around 6:30pm for our induction appointment at 7. HA! HA! HA! I was going to leave here a little after noon to head up to O'hare to pick up Katie from the airport. Instead we got a phone call letting us know that she missed her connecting flight. She'd be catching the next possible flight BUT it wouldn't get in until 5:44pm. I didn't freak out...really I didn't. I actually started laughing instead.
Oh how quickly plans change........
Plan B
After calling a couple of fantastic friends it was decided that Kolin would drive up to O'hare and pick up Katie. Friend A would come by at 6 to watch the kids until Kolin got back home with said Aunt Katie. Friend B would drive me to the hospital so we wouldn't have 2 cars at said hospital.
I got to the hospital right about 7. I checked in at registration and then walked myself up to the maternity floor where a very nice nurse was waiting for me. The nurse was surprised I was by myself and I assured her that Kolin would be showing up. I got myself organized and changed into a fabulous hospital gown. I really think that the maternity ward should have more colorful, fun, and super soft gowns, but I digress.
About 8:30 it was time to get the show on the road. I had to lay down for 2 hours. After 2 hours I'd be able to get up, walk around and pretty much do anything I wanted to keep myself busy. Can you say that that was the BORING part? The nurse was hoping we'd only have to do this part once. I crossed my fingers that one round is all we would need.
Did I forget to mention that from the time I was hooked up to the monitors that I was having some pretty good contractions all by myself? If his head had been engaged we probably would have had him a couple of weeks early. Darn baby! =)
After all of Kolin's running around today he finally got back into town. He got Katie situated with the kids and headed over to the hospital. He was exhausted! Shortly after he arrived my 2 hours was up and I was able to sit up, walk around and more than anything go to the bathroom. (It really is the little things!)

A little after midnight the nurse decided to start my IV. This is always a process since my veins don't like the process that an IV entails. I swear no one believes me until they actually try. After 3 attempts the IV was finally in place.
Shortly after getting the IV squared away it was time to get checked. I just hoped and prayed that my cervix was softening and we were making progress. The nurse checked me and said she was going to go get another nurse to check me as well. The first thing out of my mouth was "Why in the hell does another nurse need to check me?" Kolin just looked at her and said "Yeah, what she said!" The nurse smiled and walked out of the room. A couple of minutes later both nurses come in and I get checked again. All I hear from the nurse is: "Yes, she's at an 8 and can be stretched to be 10.........."
After hearing that I knew I wouldn't be getting the epidural I so wanted. I asked the nurse just to make sure and she shook her head and told me no. Damn it! Then I asked if I could have any drugs at all and the nurse who would be the baby nurse shook her head and told me no. Talk about kicking a woman while she's down.
Shortly there after my doctor was called to come into the hospital and break my water. About 1:15am my water was broken. I was double checked to make sure that the cord wasn't going to come out first. OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!!! Once my water was broken the contractions got painful. They still weren't too bad because they would come and go. Just the slight reprieve between contractions was just what I needed to make it through the next one. That is until a not so little head started to descend.
At this point I was holding onto Kolin's hand so hard I'm surprised I didn't break it. When told to put my hands behind my legs I just couldn't do it. I'm not ashamed to tell you I BEGGED the doctor just to get him out. Get him out, Get him out, Get him out! was my mantra. It was one long, hard, nasty contraction that just would not give up. Oh so worth it in the end!
Greyson Thomas Wayne was born at 1:34am. Weighing in at 9lbs even and 23 inches long. I sincerely missed my epidural. I don't find it amusing in the slightest that my 1st and 6th babies were my largest at 9lbs 6oz and 9lbs and they were the ones with no epidural.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Karis is finding out...

I can't even begin to tell you how many hours Katie and I were on the phone and our computers trying to find a good flight price for a last minute trip AND making sure that the arrival times were workable around what time we have to be at the hospital tomorrow.
It's meant to be and we can't wait to have her here.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Last Appointment Today
Today I had what will be my last OB appt. We're one step closer to meeting our 'little' guy. Wednesday night we need to be at the hospital at 7pm to start the induction process. We need to ripen the ole cervix and we should be ready to break my bag of water early Thursday morning.
Baby still hasn't dropped even a smidgen into my pelvis. This seems impossible to me as I feel like he's as low as he can possibly go without falling out completely. We had a quickie ultrasound today and the doctor was able to measure his entire head. We're 6 days away from our due date and it's estimated that he's already between 8 1/2 and 9lbs. I wonder if it will be correct or not. I'm ready for my epidural now....pretty please!
After I called Kolin to tell him the news, he joked that he should call my sister and see how soon she could jump on a plane to be here. We're in the midwest and she's on the west coast. It's not like she can jump in the car and be here in an hour..... I don't see it happening, but you never know.
I've got a bunch to get accomplished in the next 48 hours. You think everything is ready, but then you realize that you're not quite there. Wish me luck!
Baby still hasn't dropped even a smidgen into my pelvis. This seems impossible to me as I feel like he's as low as he can possibly go without falling out completely. We had a quickie ultrasound today and the doctor was able to measure his entire head. We're 6 days away from our due date and it's estimated that he's already between 8 1/2 and 9lbs. I wonder if it will be correct or not. I'm ready for my epidural now....pretty please!
After I called Kolin to tell him the news, he joked that he should call my sister and see how soon she could jump on a plane to be here. We're in the midwest and she's on the west coast. It's not like she can jump in the car and be here in an hour..... I don't see it happening, but you never know.
I've got a bunch to get accomplished in the next 48 hours. You think everything is ready, but then you realize that you're not quite there. Wish me luck!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
39 Weeks

This 'little' guy can come out at any time now. I honestly don't know how much lower he can go. I bruised my tailbone yesterday morning when I miss stepped trying to close the mud room door and ended up going down 3-4 stairs on my bottom. OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!! What I wouldn't give at this point to be able to see my feet.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Pajama & Pizza Day
Karis is working on the letter P this week at school. Today they go to celebrate by wearing their pajamas to school and making mini pizzas for their snack. There were a BUNCH of happy 4 and 5 year olds this morning.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Brennan's 100 Day of School Project
Brennan was given a Sherwin Williams hat to decorate anyway he wanted. He could have done 100 dots, 100 stripes, glued 100 items to it etc. We thought about sewing 100 buttons on the hat, but then thought of the time it would take and changed out minds. If Karis has the same thing in a couple of years, we might try that with her.
We decided to go with 100 fingerprints. All 7 of us helped and it turned out pretty neat.

Snow Day #2
We're working on snow day #2 today. Yesterday there was no school due to the amount of snow we received..about 16-18" and today it was because of the windchill and the fact that the roads weren't all clear. The kids have declared a jammie day which is absolutely fine with Kolin and I!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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