Cheerleading and Volleyball are winding down for the season. Jadyn has had a great time doing both. She has a game later today and then the Classic is in a couple of weeks and will be the last day of the season. She has also started practice for the school play. They meet 3 days a week right after school for a couple of hours. The performance will be in December.
Taryn has her next sleep deprived EEG scheduled. She's been seizure free for 3 years now. All she needs to get off her meds is a normal sleep deprived EEG ON meds and then another normal sleep deprived EEG OFF meds. My fingers are crossed that this will be our year. I can't imagine walking into the dr's office and being told the 2nd test was abnormal again.
Brennan is doing well is 1st grade. His reading is getting better and he's able to sound out his words and put them all together without much help. He was having quite the time being able to sound out each letter, but when it came to putting them all together it just wasn't working for him. His teacher is great and we couldn't have asked for a better one for him. He keeps us laughing from one minute to the next with his antics.
Karis is in preschool 5 mornings a week. She's learning by leaps and bounds and is more than ready for Kindergarten. That darn late birthday really put a crimp in everything for her. =) There are days that she'll come home and tell ME what the teachers forgot to do that day. This girl really likes her regular schedule.
Ryanne is rotten.....She's still a sweet and adorable little girl, but oh my goodness is she giving Kolin and I a run for our money. We just keep reminding outselves that she's 2....just 2.
Kolin and I are doing great! Today is our 12th Anniversary! =) We get to spend it just as we did last a football game watching Jadyn cheer. Except this year we will NOT be picking up another puppy to add to our household.