I blog for numerous reasons. A big one is for our families and friends who live far away and don't get to see the kids on a daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly basis. I want them to know what we are up to and doing....even the mundane things. The blog helps me remember the big, really important things as well as the small little itty bitty moments.
I was given the Sunshine Award by Jessica over at
Our Little Slice of Army Life. It's my first ever blog award, and it made my day.
I now have the honor of passing this award onto 12 blogs I really like.
There are rules for accepting this though:
Put the logo on your blog or within your post
Pass the award onto 12 bloggers
Link the nominees within your post
Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
Jenny at
Charity Mom I have read her blog for many years. She is a true inspiration!
Erin at
Connect Four She's a great friend, loves to shop and is always finding really neat websites and blogs that I can't help but check out. It always help that you never know what a certain 4 year old is up too on any given day. =)
The Klopp Quads I haven't been reading long, but once I started I knew I would be checking back often to see how the babies are doing. Martha gave birth to the quads at 27 weeks, 1 day.
Anna at
Mommy's Empty Head Anna takes fabulous pictures! I wish we lived closer so she could take pictures of my bunch. She talks about bears in her backyard and whatever else might be going on at the moment.
Holly at
Cupcakes by Holly She's always doing something creative. I really like seeing what new treats she's trying out and making.She makes it all looks soooo easy! If we lived closer to one another I'd definitely have her make everything for us for our special occasions.
Jennifer at
The Battle to Be Thin Jennifer is letting it all out. She is being completely open and honest...not easy for anyone, especially someone with a lot of weight to loose.
Jenn at
My Crazy Life She's got a 7 years old, triplet toddlers and a new baby. Enough said!
Enjoying the Small Things I came across this blog through a parenting website. Numerous moms were talking about it and I thought I would check it out. The first entry I read was
THIS one. I cried and cried and cried some more as I read it. At the same time I was filled with hope, love and pure joy. Absolutely beautiful!
The Happy Housewife I've read this blog for quite some time and love it. She's got great ideas for just about everything and her recipes are wonderful.
Becky at
BeckyHiggins.com Love Becky Higgins and I love
Project Life!
Matt at
MattLogelin.com If you haven't read and heard about Matt, Liz & Madeline now is the time. (read from the beginning and have some tissues handy) I started reading this blog right after Madeline was born and love reading updates. It's amazing what life and death can do to a person.
For The Love of Coco Beautiful pictures and a beautiful story of an open adoption.