14lbs 8oz (75th%)
25.5" long (95%)
42cm head circ (90%)
I kept telling her that we could run away before the shots......
She ended up with 2 shots and cried like I haven't heard her cry before. She also had an oral vaccine as well. We talked about solids foods. (we won't be starting them anytime soon)
All in all our baby girl is doing great! She's getting some rolls and she's getting a little rashy from them and the extra drool. Drool will be a never ending factor for quite some time I'm sure. The dr. was surprised that she's got 2 teeth already, but I reminded her that all the kids had teeth by 4 months.
We don't go back until March...when she's 6 months old.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
~*~Peanut Butter Balls~*~
Peanut Butter Balls
2 cups powdered sugar
1 cup peanut butter
6 tbsp butter
almond bark
Stir powdered sugar, peanut butter, and butter. Shape into balls, coat in melted almond bark, and set on wax paper lined cookie sheet.
These taste exactly like the Reese's Easter eggs and Christmas trees that come out during the holidays.
I've been caught!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Lots of rain today!
The temp got up to 52 degrees today. So far we've gotten 1.26" inches of rain today. We even had a severe thunderstorm warning this afternoon. The snow has melted (not all of it, but a big portion) and we've got a lot of standing water on the roads.
It's supposed to get down to freezing temps again tonight. I'm not looking forward to slippery conditions again tomorrow morning.
It's supposed to get down to freezing temps again tonight. I'm not looking forward to slippery conditions again tomorrow morning.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Kids are bouncing....
The kids are bouncing off the walls today. I think Kolin and I might need a padded room by the time it's bedtime for the little people.
I'm excited for everyone to open up their gifts. It's super exciting for me to watch all the faces as presents are opened.
I'm excited for everyone to open up their gifts. It's super exciting for me to watch all the faces as presents are opened.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Rolling over and 'talking'
We've got a little girl who is talking and sounding like a Pterodactyl. Granted we don't really know what a Pterodactyl sounded like, but if we could guess they would have sounded like Ryanne does at this stage. We've even started calling her baby Pterodactyl.
She also rolled over for the first time tonight (tummy to back) all by herself. Once she flipped herself over we got a big smile and we made her do it again. Sure enough she did it without even putting any thought to it.
She also rolled over for the first time tonight (tummy to back) all by herself. Once she flipped herself over we got a big smile and we made her do it again. Sure enough she did it without even putting any thought to it.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
I know 4 kids that are getting super excited for Santa's arrival in just 2 short days. One little person could really care less as long as she gets a warm bottle and diapers changed. A cuddle here and there would be a great thing too.
I'd really like to put some presents under the tree, but I have little doubt that little fingers would go walking and I'm just not going to tempt them.
Jadyn is saying the children's prayer at the Christmas Eve service tomorrow night. She's been practicing and practicing. I think she's a little nervous, but she's done it before so I know she'll do great.
Ryanne has her first acting gig. She'll be playing baby Jesus and we can only hope that she'll cooperate for the short time she'll be needed.
The camera will be ready!
I'd really like to put some presents under the tree, but I have little doubt that little fingers would go walking and I'm just not going to tempt them.
Jadyn is saying the children's prayer at the Christmas Eve service tomorrow night. She's been practicing and practicing. I think she's a little nervous, but she's done it before so I know she'll do great.
Ryanne has her first acting gig. She'll be playing baby Jesus and we can only hope that she'll cooperate for the short time she'll be needed.
The camera will be ready!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Jadyn's Gingerbread Church
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Brennan's in the bathroom doing his business. He's still under the impression that he needs someone to come into the bathroom and wipe his little rear end.
Brennan: I'm done!
Me: So, whip your bottom
Brennan: What? That's not happening!
Laughing ensues from mommy and daddy....
Brennan: You need to supervise!
Needless to say.....I supervised by wiping his little rear end.
Brennan: I'm done!
Me: So, whip your bottom
Brennan: What? That's not happening!
Laughing ensues from mommy and daddy....
Brennan: You need to supervise!
Needless to say.....I supervised by wiping his little rear end.
We supposedly have a nasty storm system headed our way. Brennan's Christmas program was supposed to be tonight, but it's been cancelled. Instead the kids will preform for us sometime in January after the holiday break. Brennan is a Wise Man and I really want to hear him say him lines and see him all dressed up.
Taryn has pajama and movie day tomorrow at school. She's hopeful that school will actually go on as scheduled. She also has her party tomorrow afternoon with her class.
Jadyn's class is having a party tomorrow morning. They are also having a gift exchange. Don't remind me how hard is actually is to pick out a $4-$5 gift for a child you don't even know.
Taryn has pajama and movie day tomorrow at school. She's hopeful that school will actually go on as scheduled. She also has her party tomorrow afternoon with her class.
Jadyn's class is having a party tomorrow morning. They are also having a gift exchange. Don't remind me how hard is actually is to pick out a $4-$5 gift for a child you don't even know.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Look what found me tonight
Not wanting to take all 3 little ones out in the nasty snow this afternoon I waited until Kolin got home from work and made a quick trip out. A certain 3 month old needed diapers.
While I was meandering around I decided to check out the Christmas ornaments. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the ornament below. It was the only one left and I knew I was meant to have it.

EI Graduation
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Only this little for today...
Karis and Brennan are taking a much needed nap. I'm running around the house picking up and baking a cake for a certain birthday girl tomorrow. Miss Ryanne decides that she'd like some cuddle time. What's a mom to do?
I walk over to Ryanne and get a huge super sweet baby smile that just melts my heart. I pick her up and tell her that she'll only be this little for today. We sit down in the recliner, throw her favorite blanket over us and she's out and dreaming of what only little wee ones dream of in 10 seconds flat.
Even though there are a million and one different things that need to be done, you've got to slow down and realize that they are only the age they are for one day. The next day they are one day older and doing new things they didn't do the day before. Soon enough Ryanne will be going on 3 like her big sister and won't want mommy cuddle time quite so often as she does now.
I know I'll miss this.
I already miss the newborn snuggles....
I walk over to Ryanne and get a huge super sweet baby smile that just melts my heart. I pick her up and tell her that she'll only be this little for today. We sit down in the recliner, throw her favorite blanket over us and she's out and dreaming of what only little wee ones dream of in 10 seconds flat.
Even though there are a million and one different things that need to be done, you've got to slow down and realize that they are only the age they are for one day. The next day they are one day older and doing new things they didn't do the day before. Soon enough Ryanne will be going on 3 like her big sister and won't want mommy cuddle time quite so often as she does now.
I know I'll miss this.
I already miss the newborn snuggles....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
was Karis' last day of her playgroup. She took in brownie cupcakes and really enjoyed her last day. I don't think she had a clue that she's not going back...except for a quick visit here and there. She has her Christmas party graduation to go to next Monday. Santa will be there and it's supposed to be a lot of fun for the kids.
Right after Christmas break she'll start at the preschool that Brennan goes to now. She'll go Tuesday/Thursday and Brennan will go Monday/Wednesday/Friday. It'll make for super busy mornings around here.
Right after Christmas break she'll start at the preschool that Brennan goes to now. She'll go Tuesday/Thursday and Brennan will go Monday/Wednesday/Friday. It'll make for super busy mornings around here.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Taryn & Shapes
Nicole wants to wear a hat with 1 face, 0 edges and 1 vertex. What solid shape should her hat be?
Taryn's answer: A party hat!
Taryn's answer: A party hat!
Soak, File, Duct Tape...Repeat
One of Jadyn's ears has been bothering her for a couple of days. It wasn't a constant thing so I wasn't terribly worried. This morning I made a dr's appt for her just to have it checked.
Turns out she has an ear infection. She hasn't been sick or had the sniffles...so who knows. She also had to get a shot to be completely caught up on her vaccinations. Then we had the dr. look at a spot on her foot and she's got a corn. We were told to soak her foot, file the top part a little every night, apply some wart be gone medicine and put duct tape over it. (supposedly the duct tape will help pull the dead skin off better than a bandaid) Repeat every night for eternity...not really but 4-6 weeks might seem like eternity by the time we're done.
Hope that will take care of it.
Turns out she has an ear infection. She hasn't been sick or had the sniffles...so who knows. She also had to get a shot to be completely caught up on her vaccinations. Then we had the dr. look at a spot on her foot and she's got a corn. We were told to soak her foot, file the top part a little every night, apply some wart be gone medicine and put duct tape over it. (supposedly the duct tape will help pull the dead skin off better than a bandaid) Repeat every night for eternity...not really but 4-6 weeks might seem like eternity by the time we're done.
Hope that will take care of it.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Jadyn is currently reading the Best Christmas Pageant Ever at school. Kolin and I have read the book to the kids for the last couple of years and always enjoy it.
Jadyn had homework on the book tonight. She basically had to do a bunch of fill in the blanks to complete sentences.
One sentence was:
I think anyone who _______ is insane.
Her answer:
I think anyone who is crazy is insane.....
Long day...yesterday
After church and Sunday school Kolin headed up to Aurora to pick up a bunk bed set that was given to us. We figured that we might not need it now, but at some point Miss Ryanne is going to need somewhere to sleep.
I got in my head that we should take down Jadyn and Taryn individual beds and set up the bunk set thus giving them more room in their bedroom. While Kolin was gone picking up the beds, I dismantled the girls room and wanted to have it ready for him when he got home.
After finding out there were no instructions and I could find nothing online no matter where I looked.....we finally got the set together, 2 girls in bed and they are happy happy campers. It was totally worth it for the extra space they now have.
I did find a really neat site for Ikea fans..... I was able to find out what the name of the set was and get instructions for it. (all of course after the set was up...but that's not the point)
Jessica and George, thanks for thinking of us! Jadyn and Taryn love the set up!
I got in my head that we should take down Jadyn and Taryn individual beds and set up the bunk set thus giving them more room in their bedroom. While Kolin was gone picking up the beds, I dismantled the girls room and wanted to have it ready for him when he got home.
After finding out there were no instructions and I could find nothing online no matter where I looked.....we finally got the set together, 2 girls in bed and they are happy happy campers. It was totally worth it for the extra space they now have.
I did find a really neat site for Ikea fans..... I was able to find out what the name of the set was and get instructions for it. (all of course after the set was up...but that's not the point)
Jessica and George, thanks for thinking of us! Jadyn and Taryn love the set up!
Melting Moments Cookies
Melting Moments
1 cup butter, softened
1/3 cup sugar
¾ cup cornstarch
1 cup flour
Mash softened butter in bowl with a spoon. Add sugar, and fold together until mixed. Add cornstarch and then flour.Chill for at least an hour (I usually do overnight)
Make into 1” balls and bake @ 350 for 15 minutes. Watch closely so that bottoms only lightly brown. Allow to cool fully before frosting.
2 tbsp butter
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp Almond extract
Milk to spread
Combine ingredients, add desired food coloring, and frost the cookies.
I do not use a mixer for these cookies, the dough seems to get too thick and tough.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Have you ever?
Have you ever put something...anything somewhere knowing full well that you'd need to know exactly where it was when the time came that you were going to need the item and then couldn't find it when the time actually came?
Yeah......I'm at that point RIGHT now. I can't find the SD card that has all 400+ family pictures on it. I want to have prints made and no go because I can't remember where I put the darn thing.
This is one of those time when I wish I had an in with a psyhic.....
Yeah......I'm at that point RIGHT now. I can't find the SD card that has all 400+ family pictures on it. I want to have prints made and no go because I can't remember where I put the darn thing.
This is one of those time when I wish I had an in with a psyhic.....
Friday, December 5, 2008
Pumpkin Oatmeal Chippy Cookies
15 oz can of pumpkin (about 1 3/4 cups of fresh cooked pumpkin)
4 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups uncooked oats
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
3 sticks of butter (1 1/2 c)
2 cup brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
2+ cups of chocolate chips, as desired
Mix dry ingredients and set aside: flour, oats, cinnamon, salt and baking soda. In a standing mixer, cream butter and slowly add in sugar until well incorporated. Add in the vanilla and egg next. When they are well mixed, alternate adding the dry ingredients and the pumpkin until it's all well mixed in. Add chocolate chips in last.
This is a large batch of cookies and are cake-like in consistency. The batter is also very soft so they need to be dropped by the spoonfuls on a cookie sheet or use a cookie scoop. Small cookies take about 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Larger cookies take about 15 minutes at 350 degrees. I was able to make about 7-8 dozen of larger cookies.
Ohhhhhh sooooooo good!
You've got to behave...
Tonight while having dinner I was telling the older 4 that we have to go to the bowling alley once Kolin gets home to make up their bowling for tomorrow morning.
Karis out of nowhere tells everyone...
"You've got to behave...ok? You've got to behave."
I'm sure all of them hear that phrase a lot more than I want to admit.
Karis out of nowhere tells everyone...
"You've got to behave...ok? You've got to behave."
I'm sure all of them hear that phrase a lot more than I want to admit.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I should have known better...
Finger chomping, drooling....it all leads to ONE thing and I sooo wasn't ready for it.
I actually told Kolin the other night that I really wanted Ryanne to have toothless gums for a little while longer. I really really wanted toothless pics of her when she was a little older and sitting up all by herself.
A couple of hours ago she started crying like I haven't heard her cry before and that's when I noticed that her 2 lower middle bottom teeth are just getting ready to break through. Karis still beat her by a couple of weeks though.
I actually told Kolin the other night that I really wanted Ryanne to have toothless gums for a little while longer. I really really wanted toothless pics of her when she was a little older and sitting up all by herself.
A couple of hours ago she started crying like I haven't heard her cry before and that's when I noticed that her 2 lower middle bottom teeth are just getting ready to break through. Karis still beat her by a couple of weeks though.
One has to love....
Great deals on things you actually need and free shipping!
There is a large thread going on right now on a bargain hunters board I check out on a daily basis. Multiple times daily if the thread is moving fast and the deals are getting really good.
I've been able to get most of our Christmas gifts online this year. No taxes, free shipping...it's almost too much to ask for. The older the kids get the more expensive their want/need list gets and I'm always looking for a great deal.
At this moment I can say that I am now done except for a few handmade items I need to turn out.
Oh....yeah...I still to get family pictures printed as well......
There is a large thread going on right now on a bargain hunters board I check out on a daily basis. Multiple times daily if the thread is moving fast and the deals are getting really good.
I've been able to get most of our Christmas gifts online this year. No taxes, free shipping...it's almost too much to ask for. The older the kids get the more expensive their want/need list gets and I'm always looking for a great deal.
At this moment I can say that I am now done except for a few handmade items I need to turn out.
Oh....yeah...I still to get family pictures printed as well......
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wish Upon A Hero
A friend of mine brought Wish Upon A Hero to my attention last night. No wish is too large, no hero is too small. Wish Upon A Hero is an online community of people helping people.
Everyone has a wish. Anyone can be a hero.
Check out the site and see what you think when you get a chance.
Everyone has a wish. Anyone can be a hero.
Check out the site and see what you think when you get a chance.
Oh Brennan....
After picking up Karis from her playgroup Brennan and I had the following conversation.
Brennan: Mama, where are we going now?
Me: We're going home.
Brennan: What are we going to do?
Me: Have lunch.
Brennan: I know what we can do. You can feed the baby and we'll play the wii!
Me: How about you feed the baby and mama will play the wii?
Brennan: No! She'll spit on me and make a mess! Then I'll have to change my clothes and you'll have to change the baby. You should just feed her.
Who can disagree with that logic?
Brennan: Mama, where are we going now?
Me: We're going home.
Brennan: What are we going to do?
Me: Have lunch.
Brennan: I know what we can do. You can feed the baby and we'll play the wii!
Me: How about you feed the baby and mama will play the wii?
Brennan: No! She'll spit on me and make a mess! Then I'll have to change my clothes and you'll have to change the baby. You should just feed her.
Who can disagree with that logic?
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