Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
2 month check-up

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Aren't these cute?
Karis' playgroup Trick or Treat walk

Between today and the trunk or treat we went to on Saturday, the candy bucket is FULL.
I'm thinking that the kids don't need to go trick or treating on Friday, but I know that I will be out voted by Kolin and the kids.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Starring: Brennan The Boy Wonder

Snuggled Up!
This time around the pictures turned out REALLY well. Both girls are smiling and they are good smiles.
Now to find the time to get them up on the wall and the others mailed out to family and friends.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
We saw flurries tonight
It's October and I'm just not ready for the nasty weather to begin.....
Friday, October 24, 2008
Check out the gloves
Don't mind the road rash on her upper lip. She bit the dust this afternoon while playing outside.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
8 Weeks Old

Karis' Field Trip

Monday, October 20, 2008
Pictures of Kolin, Jadyn, Taryn and Brennan together turned out awesome...they were striking their own catalog poses. Karis decided she didn't want to participate and have fun with everyone else at one point. Kolin and I were able to get her smiling again, though we do have our fair share of Karis NOT being happy pictures.
All in all though, I have no complaints and the pictures were fun to do. I think it'll be even more fun next year when Ryanne is toddling around and she can participate in the pictures more.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
We're having
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Little Snort
Little snort, little snort...little, little, little snort
Little snort, little snort...little, little, little snort
Over and over and over again.......
Little snort happens to be the newest nickname for Miss Ryanne. Her little snorts constantly remind us of her grandma Deanna. =)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ever been to an Elk Farm in the rain?
What was supposed to be a fun filled day with a picnic for lunch turned into a 'let's just laugh about it wagon ride in the soaking rain' morning. We figured the rain wouldn't kill us or the kids. Lots of parents came along...even Kolin (who I'm sure wished he would have stayed at work.)
We all climbed onto a wagon with bench seats...we had garbage bags to sit on and umbrellas to cover us. (We put Ryanne in her wrap and she was a happy baby) In the middle of the field were two teepees. We all huddled into one of them and learned all about elk. It was actually pretty interesting and I wish we could have actually heard more than we did. Were were able to see the #2 ranked Bull Elk. His antlers were HUGE! We saw a couple of babies.
Kolin and I decided that we'll be going back for some pumpkins.....on a NON rainy day.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Taryn's Shoes....
Today after school we were in the car on the way home. Out of no where Taryn starts crying. I asked her what was wrong.
Taryn: I don't like these shoes! (They are really cute)
Me: Why not?
Taryn: They won't tie for me.
Me: Well maybe it's time to start learning how to tie them. We'll work on it later this afternoon.
I'm hoping she'll be up to a little tutorial once she finishes her homework.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Then who will marry me?
Geez! Kolin and I are started going through a list of little girls that he could possibly marry once he's old enough. We got to about #12 when he lit up at the sound of a friend's younger sister. He's now decided that he and Leah are going to be married when they are older.
Twilight: The Movie
Twilight (the first installment) is coming out in the theaters next month and I'm really excited. Some friends and I are going to get together and go see it. Can't wait!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Spike the Brontosaurus

What more could a 4 1/2 year old little boy want then his own 2 foot Brontosaurus that would scare the crap out of his little sisters and cats?
He walks. He blinks. He growls. He roars. He's the ultra dinosaur! The dinosaur can walk forward, turn left and right, open its mouth, blink its eyes, stand up on its hind legs, and even throw a boulder. The neck on the dinosaur will rotate around similar to the neck on the mega t-rex, and when the dinosaur stands up, spikes down its back will light up.
We've already got ideas for Mr. B for Christmas, but more than likely (if we can find it) he just might get Spike for his birthday.
Friday, October 10, 2008
"You've got your hands full"
Thursday, October 9, 2008
6 weeks old today!
The older bunch are in love with her. Karis loves to hold her, Brennan loves to try and wake her up, Jadyn likes to stare at her and Taryn loves to sing to her when she's upset.
Her next appt. is in a couple of weeks and we'll have to deal with the much dreaded vaccinations. If I could make them painless I would in a heartbeat. I just hate that she doesn't know what's coming and why she's getting hurt.
It's a favorite already....

Ryanne has already found a favorite every day blanket. It goes everywhere with us. If I forget it, I run back up to the house and grab it. If little miss is cranky I wrap her in the blanket or throw it over her and she usually calms right now. It's gotten to the point that I'm actually going to go buy a second one so that we can switch it out and wash them without it causing any problems. I've never had to do that before.
Mr. Attitude & Velvet
EEG Appt
I'm hoping it goes as smoothly as possible and that the results will be normal when we see the neurologist a couple of weeks later.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
We've got candy bars!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I know I'm busy

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saturday's just got busy again!
The next 9 months are going to busy around here. Jadyn usually gets into a couple of tournaments and Taryn will be able to get involved this year as well now that she's not using the bumpers. We should have an interesting bowling season.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Week #3
We're on week 3 of weaning Brennan off his seizure meds and it's going well. The hard part is remembering that every Thursday the dose changes. =)
I've still got to make an appt for his next sleep deprived EEG...hopefully next week we'll have a date.
Happy 10th Anniversary Sweetheart!
If someone had told me 11 years ago I was going to meet the man I was going to marry on the internet, I would have laughed at them. Fortunately we were online at the same time and
something just clicked. We were asked just a couple of days ago how did we know....I haven't got a clue, but I don't know what I'd do without him.
Thank you for being a wonderful and caring husband. Thank you for being a fabulous and playful daddy. Thank you for being you.
I love you!
10 down, eternity to go!